So, time flies by. My dad had an emergency stent procedure (on his heart) Saturday a.m., which caused a minor heart attack. Thank the Lord he is fine and home. My best 4-legged buddy of 12-1/2 years went to doggy heaven that same morning. Luckily my hubby was home and was able to meet with the vet and deal with that. Boy is the house empty without my Joseph! Oh, and did I mention my birthday was Friday, spent at the Heart Center and getting dad admitted to the hospital after his 2nd failed treadmill, etc. Dad came home Monday and our 15 y/o grandson/nephew had appendicitis yesterday and an emergency appendectomy about 5:00 last night. So dad and I were back at the hospital. Good Lord! I am tired and haven't really had time to process any of this. Birthday gifts and cards are in a pile in my living room. I have a couple packages to mail, but have had no time to do that. And I think I am getting a cold! I am just a little ray of sunshine, aren't I?! Good thing it's October and fall and Halloween time!